Got a new 2GB Sandisk memory card 4 my Nokia 6300.
about 22 hours ago from TinyTwitter
Got up at 8:00am today.
about 23 hours ago from TinyTwitter
Again going 2 sleep 4 a few more hours, till tomorrow morning.
10:01 PM Jun 13th from TinyTwitter
Just got up after a sleep of 18 hours. Slept last night at around 11:45pm and woke up at around 5:45pm.
6:00 PM Jun 13th from TinyTwitter
At Hotel Rang Inn 4 dinner as today's Abhijit & Yashdeep's birthday.
9:18 PM Jun 12th from TinyTwitter
Prem ni ramat jitva dil haryo 6u,Ek bund jal mate dariyo haryo 6u,jena mate badhu j harva taiyar hato,Badhu jeeti gayo ne faqt enej haryo 6u
7:55 PM Jun 12th from TinyTwitter
The thing that shocked me is that the child's mother started hurling abuses towards us, though it wasn't our fault at all !
6:22 PM Jun 12th from TinyTwitter
I feel sorry 4 the child but it was his fault 2 run on the road. He was lucky that I took bike sideways, otherwise he'd be under the wheel.
6:18 PM Jun 12th from TinyTwitter
On my way 2 Abdul's room with him,while passing through Bholav village,I banged the side mirror of my TVS victor with a child.
6:15 PM Jun 12th from TinyTwitter
Finally practical Exam completed. Today's exam was comparatively fine.
2:47 PM Jun 12th from TinyTwitter
Today studying at home,with Rahul & Abdul. Tomorrow's Distributed System's practical exam is a tough one.
12:54 AM Jun 12th from TinyTwitter
Today's exam finally completed. It didn't went as expected, though it was easy. And I was feeling sleepy in the lab due to AC.
5:43 PM Jun 11th from TinyTwitter
There's no electricity in college,so sir told us 2 remain in college till 5:30.If power is available meanwhile,our practical exam will start
11:34 AM Jun 11th from TinyTwitter
The sky is cloudy and the peacock is dancing in the garden. I love it.
8:21 AM Jun 11th from TinyTwitter
At Abdul's room. Study going at snail's pace and I am feeling sleepy.
1:10 AM Jun 11th from TinyTwitter
At hospital,4 pappa's physiotherapy. Haven't started studying 4 tomorrow's practical exam. Will be going 2 Abdul's room after dinner.
6:34 PM Jun 10th from TinyTwitter
Stomach is upset after last nights dinner..... Woke up at 12:00 pm...... Had a good sleep after many days..... slept almost for 12 hours...
1:49 PM Jun 10th from web
Having dinner at HotelDarshan on highway with Karan,Urvish,Hiren,Jai,Apurva.Day after tomorrow is practical exam of artificial intelligence
10:15 PM Jun 9th from TinyTwitter
Just learned how to wear a collar tie from Abdul,right here in college.
4:14 PM Jun 9th from TinyTwitter
Finally long nights of hardwork paid off. Thank God.
3:30 PM Jun 9th from TinyTwitter
Hurray! Finally project completed and submitted. And the best part is, the jury had very little doubts in our project.
3:29 PM Jun 9th from TinyTwitter
Just completed the presentation of project. Now demo after 1 hour.
1:05 PM Jun 9th from TinyTwitter
Tomorrow it's our final year project demo. We are preparing hard for it.
11:47 PM Jun 8th from web
Today's ITA practical exam didn't go well.Out of 2 programs given,I couldn't make any of them run successfully.
6:48 PM Jun 8th from TinyTwitter
At Abdul's room.Going outside 2 have some food.Still not started to read much 4 tomorrow's ITA practical exam.
8:43 PM Jun 7th from TinyTwitter
Finally report given for binding.Now time to study 4 tomorrow's ITA practical exams. Too much to study. And I'm feeling sleepy.....
11:53 AM Jun 7th from web
Now going to sleep. I'll have get up at 7:30 am. Also Mummy-Pappa and uncle are going to Kheda in the morning.
3:37 AM Jun 7th from TinyTwitter
Finally reached home and now arranging the pages so that we can give it for binding tomorrow morning.
2:30 AM Jun 7th from TinyTwitter
Waiting for the food. We all are too hungry.
1:42 AM Jun 7th from TinyTwitter
The breeze on the Sardar Bridge was too cool.Enjoyed the experience while driving on it.I,Abdul,Karan & the shop's owner Tusharbhai are here
1:42 AM Jun 7th from TinyTwitter
It's late in night.Finally completed the printout of report.Too hungry.Came 2 a highway Dhaaba on the Ankleshwar side crossing the bridge.
1:39 AM Jun 7th from TinyTwitter
Still here at the printout shop. It would take 45 min more and I am now too hungry. We'll have 2 go 2 highway 2 fill our stomachs.
12:19 AM Jun 7th from TinyTwitter
Sitting in the shop in Tulsidham for printout. Still in the shop for printout. Would take still 2 hours to finish. And I am feeling hungry.
10:05 PM Jun 6th from TinyTwitter
Going to sleep. Still some corrections in report are pending. Hope to wake up by 6am.
1:36 AM Jun 6th from TinyTwitter
Whole day we spent in testing the project and making the report. Still there are changes 2 be implemented in report & again get it verified.
8:21 PM Jun 5th from TinyTwitter
Reached home. Now I want to sleep peacefully. Hopefully for 3 hours.
5:55 AM Jun 5th from TinyTwitter
Slept at 4:30am. Now it 5:30am. I think I should go home and sleep there peacefully.
5:34 AM Jun 5th from TinyTwitter
Rahul is re-installing Visual Studio 2005 in Abdul's laptop as his project isn't working properly in his laptop.
2:38 AM Jun 5th from TinyTwitter
Still completing the small changes of project. The moon is seen from the small window of Abdul's room.
2:37 AM Jun 5th from TinyTwitter
Getting the project report printed is a costly task too. We have 2 print our individual copies 4 us and 1 for college.
9:19 PM Jun 4th from TinyTwitter
Too busy with project work and its report. And tomorrow we have 2 approve our project report with our guide and then get it printed.
9:13 PM Jun 4th from TinyTwitter
Just came from a visit to opthalmologist for Pappa's regular eye check-up. Now I'll have to go to Abdul's room 4 completing project report.
7:38 PM Jun 4th from TinyTwitter
Dead tired. Going to sleep. I hope I can wake up at 4 tomorrow morning so that I can study.
11:45 PM Jun 3rd from TinyTwitter
Finally completed the project. Still 2 minor changes are left, which I'll do tomorrow.
11:04 PM Jun 3rd from TinyTwitter
Feeling too hungry.... Project is still going on..... Any how we've to complete it today.
9:35 PM Jun 3rd from web
Still doing project. Almost completed. From tomorrow, report making and studying ITA. Too difficult to manage these last days of B.E.
7:55 PM Jun 3rd from web
Practical exams start from 8th.ITA is the 1st followed by Project. Still whole proj report is pending. And lots 2 study 4 theory.
9:52 PM Jun 2nd from web
Dead tired after making project the whole day with Karan & Abdul. Also Too hungry. Have to show proj on 9th.
9:50 PM Jun 2nd from web
Came from Abdul's room just a few minutes back. Now going to sleep.
12:20 AM Jun 2nd from web
At Abdul's room. Doing project.
7:36 PM Jun 1st from web
Writing this from Digsby.
11:13 AM Jun 1st from web
I am having headache. Going to sleep.
12:11 AM Jun 1st from web
Jivanma sacha manas pasand karyani lagni purnata no ehsas karave 6,jyare khota paatra ne pasand karyani lagni PATI gaya ni anubhuti karave 6
12:18 PM May 30th from TinyTwitter
Remix of Newton's Law - Every book remain in state of rest or covered by dust, untill and unless an external force of exam act upon us.
12:08 PM May 30th from TinyTwitter
The sky's Cloudy here in Bharuch. It'll be raining by the time our exams start. And I love monsoon.
10:00 AM May 30th from TinyTwitter
Finally we got the timetable for theory exams.
8:52 PM May 29th from TinyTwitter
Messages in my inbox of Nokia6300 - 2009 msgs. Today it crossed the 2000 mark.
8:09 PM May 29th from TinyTwitter
Too hungry. Waiting to pounce upon lunch.
12:05 PM May 29th from web
It seems my syllabus is growing day by day, as if each day a few more pages are added to my books.
12:32 AM May 29th from TinyTwitter
At hospital for Pappaa's physiotherapy.
6:44 PM May 28th from web
Sitting in GNFC's Training Centre. Came here to give Pappa's tiffin. Reading the magazine "Jankalyaan".
12:08 PM May 28th from TinyTwitter
Eating kaju-draaksh ice-cream while studying. Eating more, Studying less.
11:56 PM May 27th from TinyTwitter
Found many celebrities using Twitter. Great!
11:11 PM May 27th from web
Still we haven't received the timetable for our exams - practical as well as theory!
5:56 PM May 27th from TinyTwitter
Why I feel more sleepy when it's time to study hard?
12:03 PM May 27th from TinyTwitter
A msg-Be minit nu moun ena maan ma,k je prasango rahya baki ujvaya vina.Ame hata varsho sudhi abherai par,ne gaya pasti ma vanchaya vina
6:57 PM May 26th from TinyTwitter
Writing this from the TinyTwitter app which I just downloaded on my phone.
6:51 PM May 26th from TinyTwitter
A fwd msg-Dharti Ne Bhinjavta Pehli Vaar Aaj Varshad Adhura Lagya, Manjil Pamvaana Pehli Vaar Aaj Sapna Adhura Lagya.
5:44 PM May 26th from mobile web
In college to take marksheet of 7th sem.
2:34 PM May 26th from mobile web
Syllabus of all subjects is like an ocean and I have completed just the size of a small tub.
8:31 PM May 25th from mobile web
Rat ko kitab meri muje dekhti rahi,Nind muje apni or gasitti rahi,Nindka jhoka mera man moh gaya,Or 1rat phir ye engineer bina padhe so gaya
12:30 PM May 25th from mobile web
It helps to make God your best friend. It has helped me a lot. Thank you my best friend.
7:25 PM May 24th from mobile web
Mobile phone updates for twitter not working at present, atleast for me.
10:00 PM May 23rd from web
Lots and lots to study and toooo less time to complete the syllabus.... Jaane Kya hoga Raamaa Ree???...
9:19 AM May 23rd from web
It's too hot here in Bharuch. And on top of it, mosquitoes are biting me, while I am trying to concentrate on studies.
11:09 PM May 22nd from web
Ishwar ne pan tathastu kaheta dar lage 6; Ishwar ne pan tathastu kaheta dar lage 6; karan ke Ajno manvi phool dhari ne bagicho mage 6
4:52 PM May 22nd from web
Raste jata pathhar jigar ne, Saheje hasavi janu 6u, Thodu radavi,thodu khijavi, Ante manavi janu 6u.
1:26 PM May 22nd from web
Need to study hard.....
12:01 PM May 20th from web
Missing my college days.
5:07 PM May 18th from web
Going to sleep after sometime. Didn't study much today, except the 1st chap and 1 topic of 2nd chap of Mobile Computing.
11:53 PM May 17th from web
Exams are coming... Time to study.... :(
9:28 PM May 16th from web
મારા વહાલા બાળકોને - ૬ અને ૭
મારા વહાલા બાળકો, હેપી બર્થ ડે. ભગવાન તમને ખુશ રાખે અને તમારી ઈચ્છાઓ પૂરી કરે એવા આશીર્વાદ. મારી આળસને કારણે ગયા વર્ષે તમારા જન્મદિવસ પર આ લ...
મારા વહાલા બાળકો, હેપી બર્થ ડે. ભગવાન તમને ખુશ રાખે અને તમારી ઈચ્છાઓ પૂરી કરે એવા આશીર્વાદ. મારી આળસને કારણે ગયા વર્ષે તમારા જન્મદિવસ પર આ લ...
મારા બ્લૉગ પર મેં December, 2010 (M.Tech 1st Sem) માં લખેલી આ પોસ્ટ ગઈકાલે રાત્રે યાદ આવી ગઈ. મારી ૪ વર્ષની દીકરીને પણ આવી જ કંઈક ઈર્ષા કૂ...
મારા વાહલા બાળકો, બીલેટેડ હેપ્પી બર્થડે! આ પોસ્ટ તમને ઘણા વખત પહેલાં લખવાની હતી પણ, સમય નો અભાવ અને ખાસ કરીને આળસને લીધે આ પોસ્ટ રહી જ જતી હ...